Floating Boy, LLC

Atlanta, GA

Blog Posts


just noticed that the comments posting isn’t working. i’ll fix it later.

mood: coded music: sahara hotnights

thanks, dick

i’d like to thank my hosting company for restoring outdated backups after an apparent server crash. way to go fuckers.

mood: counting music: none, it all sucks

new flaming electric

happy belated birthday mother fucker.

mood: belligerent music: the playlist from hell

practice what you preach

i went back and totally re-laid out this site using CSS. so now none of you have an excuse, and you know who you are.

mood: hung over music: various sounds echoing in my head

in the wrong business...?

i know i just landed a nice job, but i was clicking around the net this morning and found this gem… Salad Maker I

how could anyone pass this golden opportunity up??

mood: fluorescent music: indie pop rocks

on the road again

well, it’s official. i’m off to Atlanta, GA. just got hired at Georgia Tech and will be glad to leave the “city that never wakes”, which didn’t work well with me since i’m the “guy that never sleeps” (except during the day). huge thanks go out to mike and all my references, but mike was my inside guy. we got it.

mood: fairly excited music: fugazi - guilford fall demo

outta my way, jerk ass!

happy 5 year to me and Angel (yestarday)

Congratz to Jacee on her job, thanks to me, I’ll be expecting 15% cut from all future paychecks.

found this kick ass Russian food store that sells Baltica no. 6 pints for $1.99 per bottle, they’re 7% alcohol by volume! how cool is that?

Was going to go on a hot air balloon ride today but was told it was too windy, which to me would seem to make it a perfect day for a balloon ride, damnit.

Last but not least, looks like the Pixies will be getting back together for a “we were a really good band, then we broke up and people were bummed, so let’s get back together and make a shit ton of money” tour.

mood: fat music: sharks keep moving

An opportunity for independent music

A winning Pepsi cap isn’t just a song, it’s a chance to send Pepsi’s 99 cents somewhere good. When a cap is redeemed, Pepsi pays Apple 99 cents for the song, and Apple passes along 65 cents to a record label. Unfortunately, most of the music on iTunes is put out by one of the 5 major record labels, and their business practices are highly suspect. When you buy an iTunes song from a major label, there’s a good chance the artist won’t see a penny, because they’re still recouping. If the artist does get a cut, it’s only about 10 cents from the 99 cents you paid. But we can do better!

Tune Recycler

P.S. Just saw Grand Buffet the other night on the Fuck the Clear Channel tour with Sage Francis, great show. If you haven’t recently, belly back up to the Grand Buffet.

pps recent interview with Ian MacKaye

mood: ihop music: avoidance theory

be like the squirrel, girl

Take all your problems

And rip em apart

Carry them off

In a shopping cart

And another thing you

Should’ve known from the start

The problems in hand

Are lighter than at heart

Be like the squirrel, girl

Be like the squirrel

Give it a whirl, girl

Be like the squirrel

And another thing

You have to know in this world

Cut up your hair

Straighten your curls

Well, your problems

Hide In your curls

mood: a mite beamish music: Marlene Dietrich

snow day for church

today it snowed, and all the churches postponed their services. then the boss called and told me that i didn’t have to work monday. the only thing that ruins it, is celebrities kissing their own and each other’s ass on tv.

i would like to thank myself for being cool and talented, and yuengling black & tan for inspiration, and god for letting me fulfill his dreams of fame and fortune.

mood: hating the golden globes music: b-boy boullabaisse

kiss the goat

i sat down here to write something, and have already started over 3 times. i guess that means i really have nothing to say….smoke’em if ya got’em.


5 minutes later….

yep, still got nothing to say to ya…oh, Noel, where the fuck are you man?

mood: i really have to piss music: random mix of the same old shit

salad days

while rumaging through a stack of old back up CDs, i found a bunch of pictures and posted them in the Photos section.

mood: drinking beer for the hell of it music: pinback

auld ang sine

a day late, more than a few dollars short, i post a new years blog. currently im enjoying my xmas present to myself. the Rio Karma 20gb mp3 player. so far it feels like a good purchase, only time will tell.

life is good at the moment, but it would be better if somehow i was perversly wealthy and blowing it all. that would be nice.

a big “ANSWER YA TELEPHONE” goes out to everyones answering machine.

mood: beamish music: the buddyrevelles

merry fucking xmas

in case you didn’t notice, it’s jesus’s birthday, so get off your heathan, pagan ass and fucking celebrate.

mood: gin/scotch/fuck music: yawn

couple of things

first off, back from Stowe, brought a cracked rib back with me and we didn’t take any pictures, too cold. check the links section for some new links. Underground Apparel by Judith Agrathea and from yours truly Floating Boy Merchandise. how cool is that? more stuff will be added to the FBM as time passes….all proceeds go to a secret fund that i can’t tell you about, but i will tell you as soon as there is enough to buy me a new car.

mood: cracked music: Edith Piaf

i have no legs

i have no legs, i have no legs, i have no legs, i have no legs, i have no legs, i have no legs, i have no legs, i have no legs, i have no legs, i have no legs.

mood: stuck music: silence is goldie

light captured, digitized

Photos are now available from the DCFC show. I uploaded them in their original quality in case anyone wants to get them printed.

mood: productive, but useless music: sharks keep moving

gin martini's & Paula Poundstone

i’ll tell ya, gin has an adverse effect on me being sober and Paula Poundstone is a master of stand up comedy. I’m always inspired by anyone who can stand in front of a crowd of people who you know are bible thumping “christians” and say, “I’m an athiest”, and still make them all laugh.

What’s so funny about that, is that these people probably know deep down that there is no god and jesus was, in fact, a confidence man. The most famous and sucessful of all the con men. And why? People are dumb. People are scared. People want to have meaning and purpose. Sad fact, there is no meaning, you have no purpose.

“Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we’re the imagination of ourselves… Here’s Tom with the weather”. –Bill Hicks

mood: fuck vermouth music: nothing worth bragging about


















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