Floating Boy, LLC

Atlanta, GA


i recently had a hard drive crash and lost a lot of files that i would have rather of not lost. from master tracks of my recordings to digital pictures. but i recently uncovered a huge backup of the work that myself and the “webteam” created while we worked at southern miss. it’s not complete, some of the people that worked on the webteam aren’t represented in the backup (mostly because i didn’t have the foresight to do backups in the early forms of the webteam). at any rate i’ve decided to create a new section on the site called “Hindsight” dedicated not just to that time but to anything that can make us look back and laugh. this will be the first try.

This episode remembers the time when Eric had graduated but was working part time to help finish a project for a professor that wanted an overly elaborate, flash animation for a WebCT class he was teaching. Needless to say, due to the flakyness of the whole idea the animation was never really finished but we did have a little fun with it before Eric left for good. One of the last things that was done was to have a foriegn student (I cannot remember his name) come in and do some of the voices of the characters in this animation. We only got one take and the quality was pretty bad. The project pretty much stayed stale after that, mostly due to extreme lack of client input, besides random pop-ins with wild ideas to drastically change the whole thing. In a final showdown, Eric and I recorded one more voice just to have fun with it, since it would never be used and a ton of work was put into the animation. The last character in the animation never got voiced but no matter, i’ve already over explained the fuck out of this and it will likely not be as funny once it’s actually viewed. So without further adue, I present “The Failed Microbiology Experiment”.

The Failed Microbiology Experiment

mood: retro music: green day?


















Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to start your next project? That's great! Send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible!