Floating Boy, LLC

Atlanta, GA

Blog Posts

poisson d'avril

i’ve given up my evil blasphemous ways and have directed my path unto the one and only lord God. my sinful and empty life shall be redeemed and glorified in the light of jesus. i soon hope to help all my friends see the true way and the glorious light that is the lord’s love.

Jesus is Lord

And God said unto the heathens, “I hate techno.

mood: glorious music: dc talk

hank 3

i went and saw hank williams III last night, and forgot my camera. was a better show than i thought it would be, although i didn’t stay the whole time. it was hotter than the 7th circle of liquid hell in there. at some point, i’d swear i saw him snort cocaine in between songs. may have been just a gimmick or part of the act, but i doubt it.

If i had taken pictures, it might have looked like this.

Hank 3

mood: well hung over music: stars

spring break broke

spring is here! spring is gone. spring is here! spring?? you there man? i’ve forgot what it’s like to wear a t-shirt. from what i remember and my current experiences with t-shirts, i like it. i’d like to give a shout out to eric, jacee, wesley, umm her boyfriends name that excapes me at the moment, leigh and who ever else had the pleasure this past easter weekend. as usual, light was captured, digitized, and posted in the photos section for your erotic pleasure.


mood: sprung music: green day (get it?)

the dishes are done, man

no reason for a post. just been overly productive in using my calender, and as a result i’ve gotten some things done. it’s almost scary shudder. calculus test looms on tomorrow’s horizon and a weekend out of atlanta never sounded better.

Dishes are done, Man

mood: i have to piss real bad music: sunday’s best

mardi gras 2005

jacee sent me some pictures from our mardi gras 2005 extravaganza Angel birthday bash. posted in the photos section. enjoy.

Mardi Gras

mood: hungry music: built to spill

Lucero & Avail

posted some new pics in the photos section of the show last night. was a good show, i’ve got the bruises to prove it. also, i didn’t get arrested. right now my head hurts, knees are bruised and my ears are ringing. did you just say something? what?


been looking from outside

i’ve been watching

but i don’t know what to say

changed the old backdrop

same face

but not who it used to be

trying to get our not out getting

thinking, you’re everything you said

you wouldn’t be

time out, i see right through

you’re running around again

i’m around

and still confused in an instant

can’t quite relate

and i don’t know what to say

all of the bonds i see

that i’m not part of

it’s not how it used to be

you’re running around again

i’m around

and i’ve been cracking on the inside

it gets worse each day

and i don’t know what to say

keeping my distance

but still i see

it’s not how it used to be

bushing the time in a daze

wondering how it got this way

time out, i’ve gotta ask it

am i on my own?


numbed by feelings




Drink Till We’re Gone - Lucero**

life is short

despite of your plans

so tell the girls they’re pretty while you can

‘cause one day they’re gone

and all you got left

some empty bottles and an old country song

plays on and on

i wasted my time

with these cigarettes

and these ashes are all i got left

watch this old town

nothing’s left for me

wash downstream

and into the sea

because this big old river

will kill us in time

‘till then we’ll drink it’s weight

in cheap beer and wine

we can drink just as fast

as the river is strong

and we’ll drink ‘till we’re gone


mood: bruised music: built to spill

salad days

wishing for the days when i first wore this suit.

baby has grown older, it is no longer cute.

man, too many voices they made me mute

baby has grown ugly, it is no longer cute.

but i stay on, i stay on. where do i get off?

on the greener pastures, the core is getting soft.

look at us today, we’ve gotten soft and fat.

waiting for the moment, it’s just not coming back

man, so serious about the stuff we lack.

what about our memories? but there are no facts.

on, i stay on. where do i get off?

do you remember the time,

i don’t know, in fact, about, i don’t know

about three years ago?

back when punk was new and exciting…

do you remeber the when?

yeah, so do i. we call those the salad days.

and do you remember when?

yeah, so do i. we call those the good o’days

and where the fuck am i? i call it a lie.

mood: na music: minor threat

some things never change


Continuing with the hindsight series, this was originally posted on the floatingboy website while working at southern.

mood: pffft music: rainer maria


i recently had a hard drive crash and lost a lot of files that i would have rather of not lost. from master tracks of my recordings to digital pictures. but i recently uncovered a huge backup of the work that myself and the “webteam” created while we worked at southern miss. it’s not complete, some of the people that worked on the webteam aren’t represented in the backup (mostly because i didn’t have the foresight to do backups in the early forms of the webteam). at any rate i’ve decided to create a new section on the site called “Hindsight” dedicated not just to that time but to anything that can make us look back and laugh. this will be the first try.

This episode remembers the time when Eric had graduated but was working part time to help finish a project for a professor that wanted an overly elaborate, flash animation for a WebCT class he was teaching. Needless to say, due to the flakyness of the whole idea the animation was never really finished but we did have a little fun with it before Eric left for good. One of the last things that was done was to have a foriegn student (I cannot remember his name) come in and do some of the voices of the characters in this animation. We only got one take and the quality was pretty bad. The project pretty much stayed stale after that, mostly due to extreme lack of client input, besides random pop-ins with wild ideas to drastically change the whole thing. In a final showdown, Eric and I recorded one more voice just to have fun with it, since it would never be used and a ton of work was put into the animation. The last character in the animation never got voiced but no matter, i’ve already over explained the fuck out of this and it will likely not be as funny once it’s actually viewed. So without further adue, I present “The Failed Microbiology Experiment”.

The Failed Microbiology Experiment

mood: retro music: green day?

halloween 2004

This just in. Pictures from halloween 2004. better late than never. If you can’t guess, I’m half assed attempting Tyler Durden … again.

Halloween 2004

mood: no thanks music: grandaddy

...if we tied monofilament to its lipstick...

I was clicking around on the internet and came across this on the Garden State website. It was embedded in the flash site, so I had to do a little work to get this link. You’ll thank me later. Maybe not, but it is funny.

...if we tied monofilament to it's lipstick...

Zach Braff describes his alternate plan for getting the right dog performance.

mood: holding music: ugly casanova

the right whale

i’m not sure where i’m going with this, but trust me, it fits.

posted some pics of the Pedro the Lion / Erlimart (Erli-Lion) show. Was a good show…some hippy (hippi?)…wait how do you spell that? anyway, hippies suck. i’ll explain at a later date. anywho, on the road to mardi gras this weekend for Angel’s b-day.


*“Right Whales were regarded by

Nineteenth century whalers as the ‘right’ whales for their industry. They were easy to approach, lived close to shore, floated when they were dead, and provided large quantities of valuable oil, meat, and whalebone.”

the right whale

mood: endangered music: the fucking tv


damnit, damnit, damn it, dam nit, da m nit! Atlanta is getting on my bad side….it goes like this

everytime a band i want to see comes to Atlanta one of two things, if not both, happen.

  1. the show is grossly overpriced

  2. the show sells out before i can get tickets

anyone want to see the arcade fire tonight?? well, tough shit, it’s sold out.

keep pushing, fuckers, just keep pushing…

mood: fresh cut hair music: the arcade fire

A wasteland called "Haleyville"

Friend Jerry snapped a shot when I wasn’t looking. This is posted for those who may have not believed me when I told horror stories of the desolate wastelands of Haleyville, AL. It’s all true.

the wastelands

mood: broke music: solea - the last word


i am completely uninterested in this website. more over, i am completely uninterested in just about all websites. thinking about cancelling the domain when the subscription runs out.

mood: waiting to explode music: some hip shit that makes me cool

shoot me in the ass

Reach in your pocket for a handgun Lower it at my bootyhole Pull the trigger on me Hit me with a gunshot Shoot me in the ass Shoot me in the ass Shoot me in the ass Shoot me in the ass Pump me full of holes in my bootyhole Fill me full of lead in my ass crack Take my life away from this earth Blow my ass away from this world Shoot me in the ass Shoot me in the ass Shoot me in the ass Shoot me in the ass Introduce me to my grave Deprive me of my everlasting life Blow me off the face of this earth Leave me lying on the street corner dead Shoot me in the ass Shoot me in the ass Shoot me in the ass Shoot me in the ass Rock over London Rock on Chicago Budweiser, it’s the king of beers

mood: portly music: ugly casanova

pantera motherfuckers

“A 25-year-old man stormed the stage at a heavy-metal rock concert Wednesday night, shooting and killing Pantera founder and Damageplan guitarist “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott and three others before a police officer shot and killed him”

CNN.com story

mood: disgusted music: this love


















Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to start your next project? That's great! Send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible!